Топаем по потолку для соседа сверху)

Аватар пользователя Борец за тишину

В порыве злости на соседа у меня появилась такая идея: он своим ламинатом создает вибрацию, что у меня потолок трясется. Если бы у меня был плавающий пол с твердым покрытием или такой же ламинат, я бы реализовал такую идею . Поставить плотно между потолком и полом подпорки, например из бруса, прикрутить их, и мой топот заметно бы передавался на потолок через подпорки, так как между моим твердым половым покрытием и потолком была бы жесткая связь , и сосед бы его слышал. подпорки можно оформить как деталь интерьера аля колонны )

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Аватар пользователя СингхКришнадас

у мериканцев такие же траблы

One of the afternoons we actually got a chance to record the noise coming from the upstairs neighbor. Obviously he was banging or jumping up and down on his kitchen floor. You can't see it in the video but we actually had sheet rock dust fall from around the light fixture.

Keller 13
4 года назад
Ridiculous! Have similar neighbours above me so I sympathize with you. They are up all hours and never seem to sit down. If they get really rowdy the pictures on the wall shake. Worst part is that I own my condo so I can't just move.

Heart Haven
2 года назад
I am experiencing this in the apartment I live in as well. Have been for months. Feels like a constant nightmare. Have been told by office staff that I have to have evidence if anything is to be done by them to stop the noise. I tried catching the stomping with my IPhone, but it does not pick up vibrations. Can you please tell me what you used to record the noise you heard in your apartment? Please help!

4 года назад
I just had a couple kicked out of their apartment that lived upstairs because they were stomping and turning the apartment into a jungle gym. When the office ask them to keep it down they got worse so they were put out after the office manager listen to the recordings I had of them stomping and slamming stuff on their floor.

5 лет назад
Where I live there's absolutely no sound proofing at all. Cabinets and counters mounted directly to the studs. Everytime the people upstairs open a drawer, wash their pots and pans in the sink, even sit something on the counter, it's like their in my apartment. I can even hear it when the guy upstairs pees. Landlord is to cheap to put a pad under the carpet, so everytime my heavy footed upstairs neighbor's elephant walk across the floor, it jars stuff in my cabinets. They're also wall thumpers. They've woke me up more than once bumping something into the wall in the wee hours of the morning. I can even hear my neighbors (and them me), when they talk. Unfortunately, I'm not able to move right now, so just have to put up with it. The best I can do is wear earplugs at night to sleep, but sometimes that's not even enough.

Alex Martin
5 месяцев назад
I am having trouble with an evil neighbor,who likes to pound against the walls and under neith me as I go about my daily life in my apartment.Even when I am laying doun on my bed.She also follows me from room to room, under neith me as I walk around.And I live on the the top floor.She is crazy and it seems that no one can stop her from harassing me,I am at my wits end.Do you have any advice on how to counter this problem.Iam dealing with this same issue that you are going through.

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?


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